This crafty cat scratch pad is a great way to recycle used boxes.
You Will Need
* Several medium to large cardboard boxes
* Non-toxic craft glue
* A straightedge
* A craft knife
* Catnip
* Felt
* Old magazines
Step 1: Cut strips
Gather large, corrugated cardboard boxes. Using a straightedge, cut the boxes into 18- inch strips, three to five inches wide, with the corrugation running horizontally across the strip.
The size of the scratch pad will depend on your cat. Bigger cats need bigger pads than kittens or small cats.
Step 2: Glue strips together
Glue strips on top of each other until the pile is six inches deep.
Step 3: Let dry
Weight the pile with a heavy object and set aside for 30 minutes.
Step 4: Finish ends
Trim uneven ends with a craft knife. Cut additional cardboard strips to glue to the outside edges of your pad.
Step 5: Decorate
Use felt to provide a decorative finish for the edges, or cut pictures of fish, birds, or mice from magazines and glue them to the outside.
Step 6: Sprinkle with catnip
Sprinkle pad liberally with catnip to entice your cat to use it.
Fact: Cats have a ridged nose pad that is as unique as the human fingerprint.
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