You love cats and dogs (maybe one or the other) and you want to share your love of them with the world via hundreds of funny pictures of them, this is how:
Open a new PowerPoint Presentation, minimise it.
Go to , click into the first picture.
If making dog slide show, follow the link to .
Copy and paste the picture into your PowerPoint Presentation (add title slide first).
Repeat copy and pasting 1 picture per slide until you have no more pictures left.
Add an end slide and you finished the slide show.
Grab some people to watch it and let the laughter roll!
- You may want to add captions to the pictures with no words.
- Make sure the pictures are appropriate for the audience, don't show this to a 7 year old.
- If possible set up a projector to show these, they can be seen and read better then.
- If the picture doesn't fit in the slide properly don't stretch it( unless you want to emphasize something) put a colour background to match the picture.
- This WILL take a VERY long time to do, there are over 1800 pictures of cats and dogs on this site, make it an ongoing project over a few weeks.
- People may not want to sit through all of these pictures, just because you could sit though thousands doesn't mean anyone else can!
Things You'll Need
- Computer( with internet access)
- Love of Cats and Dogs
- Audience
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