Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can be really good. Jack Nicholson was appealingly disturbed in As Good as it Gets. I bought a script about an intriguing OCD detective named Monk. His OCD made him magnetic and brilliant. Well, this next tutorial takes the cake. HowTo teach your cat to use a light switch.
I love this video. I am not joking. Richard Norton is a Norwegian nut. And I say that with nonironic admiration. This guy is the real deal. He has patience. He has focus. He is possessed by a mission that many of us might question. He taught his cat to use a light switch. Do not ask why. It just is. The teaching might not be the definition of OCD. The choice of animals might be called into question. However, the fact that he timed it down to 28 minutes and 34 seconds, and then condensed the experience to 6 minutes and 57 seconds for the world to share....now that is heaven. It is honestly better than Monk. Better than a Nicholson tick. It is just plain you-cannot-script-this-stuff wonderful.
People in Hollywood like Jack Nicholson and Tony Shalhoub would gladly pay $7070.56 for coach ticket to Norway just to spend two days soaking in the OCD that is Richard. Fortunate WonderHowTo members, this one is for you. And there ain't no cost. Just supercalifragilisticexpialidocious wonderment.
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